STR 10 STA 8 AGL 4 DEX 2 FGT 11 INT 2 AWE 3 PRE 3
Aquatic: Immunity 3 (Cold, Drowning, Pressure), Movement 1 (Environmental Adaptation: Aquatic), Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision) • 6 points
Marine Telepathy: Array (57 points)
• Summon Marine Life 8 (120 points), Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 2 (4 minions), Variable General Type (Marine Life), Limited to in or near water • 57 points
• Summon Marine Life 4 (60 points), Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 4 (16 minions), Variable General Type (Marine Life), Limited to in or near water • 1 point
• Comprehend Animals 2, Mental Communication 4, Limited to Marine Life • 1 point
Swimming: Swimming 10 (500 MPH) • 10 points
All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Benefit 3 (King of Atlantis), Defensive Roll 3, Favored Environment (Aquatic), Improved Initiative, Languages (Atlantean), Power Attack, Precise Attack (Close; Concealment)
Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 4 (+14), Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+13), Expertise: Atlantean Lore 7 (+9), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 6 (+9), Perception 5 (+8), Ranged Combat: Throwing 6 (+8), Stealth 4 (+8), Technology 3 (+5), Vehicles 3 (+5)
Initiative +8
Unarmed +13 Close, Damage 10
Dodge 11 Fortitude 11
Parry 11 Toughness 11/8*
Will 11 *Without Defensive Roll.
Abilities 86 Skills 25
Powers 75 Defenses 19
Advantages 13 Total 218
Relationships: Aquaman has a wife, Mera, ties with his former ward, Tempest, and his friends in Atlantis.
Responsibility: As King of Atlantis, Aquaman must attend to the needs of his people and his duty to the Seven Seas, which can occasionally come into conflict with his responsibilities to the JLA.
Temper: Aquaman is known for his fierce temper.
Weakness: Aquaman dehydrates when away from water for an extended period of time, becoming impaired, disabled, and finally incapacitated before his condition becomes life threatening. Immersion in water immediately removes all accumulated conditions.
Durante un tiempo, Aquaman perdió su mano izquierda cuando fue privado de sus poderes telepáticos y
atacado por un banco de pirañas. Él reemplazó su mano con un arpón cibernético diseñado en S.T.A.R Labs que contaba con un lanzador de cable retráctil. Además de su prótesis en armas, Aquaman adoptó una apariencia y actitud más guerrera y feroz, vistiendo armaduras, dejándose el pelo y la barba crecer. Este Aquaman se llenó de orgullo y beligerancia, incluso hacia sus amigos.
Harpoon Hand: Strike 2, Strength-based, Elongation 4 (cable, Limited to Harpoon) • 4 points

La Dama del Lago, más tarde reemplazó la mano de Aquaman con un constructo de agua mística, dotado de diversos poderes mágicos. Ella renombró a Aquaman "el Portador del Agua del Mar Secreto".
Hand of the Water-Bearer: Magical Array (24 points)
• Dehydration: Affliction 12 (Resisted by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Incapacitated), Cumulative • 24 points
• Communication: Senses 1 (Communication Link with the Lady of the Lake) • 1 point
• Hand Weapons: Strength-based Damage 2 (changing the shape and density of the hand into weapons) • 1 point
• Healing Touch: Healing 12 • 1 point
• Mystic Portals: Dimensional Travel 2 (mystic dimensions), Portal • 1 point
• Nullify Magic: Nullify Magic 8, Braod Simultaneous • 1 point
• Scalding Blast: Ranged Damage 12 (blast of scalding water) • 1 point
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